In this twisted classic adventure game based on William Shakespeare's Hamlet, a man from the future arrives in Hamlet's time just as the Danish hero is about to seek revenge for the death of his parents and rescue his beloved Ophelia from her captors. Unfortunately, he crash lands right on top of Hamlet, and he must now assume Hamlet's place in order to prevent the "history" of the world from radically changing.
Originally known as “Gamelet”.
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Game Information
Platform | PC |
Perspective | Third-Person |
Control | Point-and-click |
Gameplay | Casual, Puzzle |
Genre | Science Fiction |
Theme | Historical, Licensed properties |
Graphic Style | Comic cartoon |
Presentation | - |
Action (Compulsory) | - |
Red Flags | - |
Media | Internet download |
Product Details
System Requirements
Windows XP, Vista or 7
1 GHz processor
512 MB RAM
100 MB hard drive space
128 MB graphics card
DirectX 9.0
Known Issues
A new version of the game was released several days after launch, making one particular minigame less challenging.