The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Set in the late 19th century during Japan’s Meiji Period and England’s Victorian era, The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles follows Ryunosuke Naruhodo, and ancestor of Phoenix Wright’s, as he works to sleuth out the truth in witnesses’ testimonies and clear his clients’ names in court. Players will unravel the mysteries behind 10 thrilling cases alongside a zany cast of over-the-top characters – including the local ace detective Herlock Sholmes.
This English translation is a bundle of the two games The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures and The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve.
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PC, PlayStation 4, Switch
- Digital July 27, 2021 by Capcom
Walkthrough for The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
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Adventure Games by Capcom
Game Information
Platform | PC, PlayStation 4, Switch |
Perspective | First-Person |
Control | Gamepad |
Gameplay | - |
Genre | Mystery |
Theme | Law enforcement |
Graphic Style | Stylized art |
Presentation | Slideshow |
Action (Compulsory) | - |
Red Flags | - |
Media | Internet download |