Review of Full Throttle Remastered by My Dune
I'm glad I got the opportunity to play this remastered version
I missed this game when the original came out and I’m glad I got the opportunity to play this remastered version.
I’m a fan of the old pixel adventures and with this remastered version you are able to switch easily between the original and remastered when ever you want during the game.
What I always hated about the pixel games are the pixel hunting….sadly this remastered version didn’t make this problem disappear. I had to spend a lot of time hunting the right spots to click. It got a lot easier when I found out the best way to play the game is using a controller. With the controller you are able to directly switch between the hotspots.
I didn’t see many bugs or glitches. The only two things I noticed were with the opening cutscene and the end credits. With the opening scene te lips were not synchronized with the voices and the end credits I could only see when I switched to the original version.
All in all…....I loved the story, voice acting and music, but the game was a bit to easy for me and went through it in no-time.
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Time Played: 2-5 hours
Difficulty: Easy