The Adventure Gamers' Aggie Awards
More than two decades ago, the incomparable Bill Tiller designed Adventure Gamers’ logo, depicting brave explorers emerging from their quest with a fabled treasure: a small idol, a simple golden statuette representing the “god of warning”. With a sword in one hand and sheaf of wheat in the other, it is a cry for vigilance against both war and famine, and its skull a testament of the failure to comply.
This is a challenge we have taken very seriously in the years that followed. As stewards of the adventure genre, it is our responsibility to extol each year’s offerings, and celebrate the best of them with our own prestigious award based on the likeness of the original statuette: The Aggie.
Since 2008, it has been our pleasure and privilege to annually acknowledge the best and brightest new titles released, whether for story, writing, concept, gameplay, graphics and sound. Topped, of course, by the crème de la crème: the best adventure game of the year.
Below is a comprehensive look back at the many deserving winners of our coveted hardware. With games like these leading the way each year, the genre’s future is every bit as bright as its glorious past. Long live adventure games!
Looking for the more extensive (original) coverage of the Aggie Award for a given year? Check out these articles!
(Note: Along with each item on these lists are direct links to online retailers and download sites. Many of these are affiliate links, meaning Adventure Gamers gets a small commission when you make a purchase, but these links are purely optional and most games are still widely available.)